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Woodstock50 Celebration! Bethelwoods

Woodstock 50 was incredible and I’ll be passing the love along by restocking this week getting ready for the following schedule:
8/24 Bethel NY at Catskill Distillery 12-5
8/25 Bethel NY at catskill Distillery 12-5
8/26&27 Vestal NY at Lourdes Medical on Shippers Road from 11-5
8/28 Delhi Farmers Market town square 10-2
8/30&31 Bethel NY at Catskill Distillery 12-5
September 1 is the starts of Bethelwoods Harvest Festival that runs every Sunday during the month of September.
See you there!

Lori and Gayle leaning on Bethelwoods colorful van
Woodstock50 Celebrations- sisters!

Lori and Gayle with attendee wearing a fool's hat
Woodstock50 Celebrations with kindred spirits!

Lori with a satisfied customer wearing iconic peace sign necklace
Woodstock50 Celebrations – Look who’s wearing a flower peace necklace? Peace all!

Lori with another satisfied customer wearing her peace sign necklace.
Woodstock50 Celebrations- Peace flower necklace for all! A bestseller.